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Resource Library
VBP: description and benefits for buyers and suppliers
Value-based Procurement - Partnering for patient-centric, sustainable health care –messaging for senior executives - healthcare systems
Value-based Procurement -Partnering for patient-centric, sustainable health care–messaging for senior executives- for suppliers
Value-based Procurement -Partnering for patient-centric, sustainable health care–messaging for senior executives: providers
Why Value-Based Procurement now? The infographic “Why Value-Based Procurement now?”
Value-based procurement—Partnering for patient-centric, sustainable health care - standard presentation for procurers
Value-based procurement—Partnering for patient-centric, sustainable health care - standard presentation for suppliers
Joining the VBP Community of Practice
Getting started with and building good VBP practices for buyers and suppliers
Overview and access to the MEAT VBP guidelines & Excel tool
Guidance on the application of public procurement law when using the MEAT VBP framework & tool in procurement procedures of medical technology
How to successfully implement (MEAT) Value-Based Procurement -what we have learned from learning projects & pilots so far
Value-Based Procurement Framework (updated version of May 2023)
Glossary of key terms
Cases on Value-Based Procurement
Anti-coagulation Point of Care solution, NHS Wales, UK
Cataract surgery pathway, ZilverenKruis, The Netherlands
Connected Hospital Bed, Erasmus MC, The Netherlands
Outcome based procurement of knee implants at the Hospital of Vejle, Region of Southern Denmark, Denmark
New personalized non clear-cell renal carcinoma treatment regimen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
Perioperative Hypothermia Prevention -UniHA, France
Surgical gloves learning project, GIP Resah, France
Value-Based Procurement Project, NHS Supply Chain, UK
Willingness-to-pay-method (W2P), Karolinska infusion pump tender, Sweden
Case on Atrial Fibrillation creating outcome-based value (Switzerland)
Case on Cyclotron innovation procurement (Denmark)
Case on Haemodialysis full-service equipment (Netherlands)
Case on Infusion pump systems (Netherlands)
Case on Knee implants and value-based agreements (Denmark)
RITMOCORE project; case on integrated management of patients (Spain)
Case on Current state-of-play of VBP in the NHS (UK)